Harp Video Gallery

This song came as a reflection about this very unique year, 2020. My dear grandmother, Norma Moore, passed away in February, and shortly after her death a devastating global pandemic began, forever changing our lives. During trying times like these people often reflect on what has happened, how things could have been and how to move forward. Writing this song is one way in which I chose to express the sense of longing and loss that is associated with the year 2020. That is how I came to name the song Hindsight from the old adage, “Hindsight is 2020.”
The video was recorded on the Blue Mist Trail in North Park, located in McCandless, PA. The harp is a custom Irish Style Harp built by Craig Pierpont from Another Era Harps.

Golden Fields of Delight for Lever Harp - Stephanie Miller
Inspired by Pete St. John’s song Fields of Athenry, a tale of a couple torn apart, I wrote Golden Field of Delight thinking of the happier times the loving couple must have had together before the fated day they were forced to part.
The video below was taken at Erie Bluffs State Park near Erie, PA. The golden fields of tall grass in the park were the perfect setting for this song.

Taking Flight
This song is dedicated to Kate Silberberg. She encouraged many people to soar and take flight throughout her life and work with her husband, Brad Silberberg, at the Mesa Creative Arts Center in Burgettstown, Pa. For more information about the Mesa Creative Arts Center please visit www.mesacreativearts.com.
This video was filmed at Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware on August 1, 2017.

This piece has a contemplative dream-like feel to it, which is how I thought of the title "Dreaming." The song is recorded in memory of my father, Marshal Brett Hickman, a musician and composer who along with my mother and family encouraged me to pursue music. Some of my fondest memories of my father are of us playing at the shoreline with my little toy boat so I was especially excited to see the footage of the sailboat in the background.

Ocean Song
This song was written with the sea in mind, so it was an honor to get to play it with ocean waves. The song was recorded at Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware in the Gordon's Pond section of the park.
The harp I play in the video is a 36 string Legend carbon fiber harp by Heartland Harps. The song itself is structured loosely and informed by improvisation. This allows the song to be lively and spontaneous like the ocean waves themselves.

Peace Be With You
This song is an original piece of music that Stephanie composed while playing bedside harp music at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. The video was recorded at Rehoboth Beach, DE. It is posted in honor of the International Day of Peace.

Amongst the Barley
Amongst the Barley
Original composition based on "The Juice of the Barley" by Henry Purcell. Music arranged and performed by Stephanie Miller, CMP, VAHTP, on a Legend harp by Heartland Harps.
This recording was made at Highland Park in Pittsburgh, PA on July 1, 2017.
Video recorded with a GoPro Hero 4
Audio captured with a Zoom H4N

Waterfall Waltz
Here is one of Stephanie's original compositions, Waterfall Waltz. It was recorded atop Cucumber Falls in Ohiopyle State Park, PA.

Memere and Aunt Violet
This song is dedicated two wonderful women who have supported my musical endeavors: my grandmother-in-law, Mémère Jeanne Bernard Ferron, and my grandfather’s cousin, Violet McMillan.

Castle Meditation
Castle Meditation is a song that I wrote while thinking of the beautiful ruins I saw during my trip to Northern Ireland. It is dedicated to my friends Cathy McKeary and Richard Simpson, natives of Coleraine, Northern Ireland, whom I met through Ulster Project Delaware. Cathy and Richard graciously welcomed me into their respective homes for an amazing trip abroad, which I will always cherish. For more information about the Ulster Project, please visit the Ulster Project International website: www.ulsterproject.org.
When I play Castle Meditation I envision a bard playing the harp for a gathering in a great stone hall. The 3/4 portion of this tune can be played at a faster tempo as a dance piece. It can also be played with a slower tempo to enhance the tune's meditative qualities.

Angels' Song
This video showcases one of the great features of my harp, its color-changing LED lights. This unique carbon-fiber harp is suited to play for outdoor and indoor events and can be played in any type of lighting to fit the mood of your special event! This video was taken at The Barn at Ligonier Valley (http://www.barnatligoniervalley.com) at a wedding reception. The harp is the 36-string Legend from Heartland Harps (http://www.heartlandharps.com/model-l...)
Angels' Song is a piece I composed while working as a Certified Music Practitioner at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. It is dedicated to all of the patients, families, and staff who have a connection with the facility.
While playing this piece I have heard people describe the song as if they were surrounded by loving arms in a gentle hug, or that angel wings had enfolded them in their loving care. Playing this piece has helped many people relax and fall asleep peacefully in various hospital settings. I have also used this piece for christenings, memorial services, and as a processional for many weddings.